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Equipment Something to act as 2 stone walls for (one for each army) cover from the "gun fire"(my troop usually uses chairs). Preparation 5 or more scouts. One scout needs to be a narrator....

High Fry Fish Fry

Equipment 11+ foot rope 2 people An audience consisting of eight or more people Preparation A person to talk as Bill, A person to assist Bill, Bill must talk in a different voice. Bill and...

The Worm

Equipment None needed, but hiking boots and backpacks make nice touches. Skit is for a leader and one or more scouts; Only leader and 1 scout have lines. Preparation none ...

The Fortune Teller

Equipment Preparation Action One person is the fortune teller and another is the fortune tellers assistant. Assistant: This is a fortune teller. He/she is a very special fortune teller....

The Problematic Phone

Equipment A rope / Three scouters / Volunteers as skit goes on Preparation Ask two scouter to hold the rope in each end, as if they were talking on the phone Action By using the rope...