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Bike Scavenger Hunt

Teams compete to see who can photograph the most sites! Instructions Provide a list of 30-40 objects in your town. Participants can sign up individually, or in a team. Teams are responsible for...

Ugly Tie Contest

Decorate ties and see which one is the worst! Instructions Get people to donate their ugly ties. Have children decorate them with lace, buttons, etc. Have people vote with their money for the...

Teacher Torture

Let students vote to make teachers do outrageous things! Instructions The principal picks an activity for each teacher to do, such as kissing a pig, dyeing hair, roller skating, etc. The...

Eat for a Cause

Tell people to eat a a certain restaurant to get a slice of the profits! Instructions Arrange with a restaurant to get 10% of their profits for a certain night, in exchange for advertising....

Pumpkin Painting Party

Have a festival of pumpkins! Instructions Set up tables with pumpkins, paints, and tablecloths. It's lots of fun for the kids to paint faces on their pumpkins however they want, and you can...

Redneck Games

A day full of redneck games! Instructions Set up like a carnival, but with redneck games! You can have a hubcap toss, various mud pit competitions, bobbin for pigs feet, and the toilet seat...