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Large Vehicle Show

Borrow a bunch of cool trucks and heavy equipment to show off! Instructions Rope off a large venue and charge admission. Get a whole bunch of trucks, tractors, firetrucks, and whatever you can...

Children’s Cookbook

Have children all bring recipes and compile a cookbook! Instructions Have each child bring a recipe from home (or have them decide what they think their favorite recipe is). Compile the recipes...

Lazy Boy Day

Sell tickets for a chance to get a lazy boy chair to sit in all day. Instructions Put up a lazy boy chair on display and sell tickets for 25 cents. At the last day, draw a winner, and move the...

Spirit Chain

Create a paper chain and charge to add a link, and see who can make theirs the longest! Instructions This is a competition between several large groups to see who can make the largest chain....

Lobster Racing

Host a lobster race! Instructions Try to get a seafood market to donate lobsters (or anything you could race). Construct channels filled with sea water. Charge admission to the race and let...

Caged Critters

Put important people in cages on the parking lot. Instructions Get mayors, principals, or other important figures to volunteer to spend an hour or two caged. Tell people that you will only let...