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Cute Baby Contest

Host a contest to see who has the cutest baby! Instructions Charge $15 to enter a photo of your child 5 years or younger. Charge $1 to vote. Give a prize to the winner.

Junk Car

Sell tickets to get the chance to beat a car with a bat. Instructions Get a broken old car donated. Sell tickets to get the chance to hit the car with a metal baseball bat a certain number of...

Car Smash

Charge admission to an event to see who can disassemble cars the fastest. Instructions Compose 2 teams of 8 people and let the race to see who can take two old donated cars apart the fastest....

Goat Insurance

Deliver a goat to an unlucky drawing winner. Instructions Sell tickets for $10 that allow you to enter 3 people's names for the goat contest. Inform these 3 people that their name will be...

Car Wash

Find a local location you can use to wash off cars for donations. Instructions Advertise a car wash, and ask people if they would like to donate to receive a free car wash. You can just...


Raffle tickets for the opportunity to destroy something! Instructions There are plenty of buildings and landmarks that are destroyed each year. You could also do an old car, bicycle, etc if you...