Equipment Muggers need thug clothing Preparation Muggers sag their pants to look like thugs Action NARRATOR: "Ladies and Gentlemen, a New York mugging." a scout walks across stage, in...
Posts by Mike Harmer
Equipment A cup, 2 plates, a fork or spoon Preparation Have the dishes sitting out and pretend to be drying them Action A camper comes along and explains he has been hiking for hours...
Lyrics Nobody likes me everybody hates me I'm gonna eat some worrrrrms long thin slimy ones short fat juicy itsy bitsy teeny weeny worrrrms first you get the bucket then you get the shovel oh how...
Equipment cup, 4 to how many scouts you want, water, announcer Preparation Put half a mouthfull of water in the last person's mouth. The person should not swallow, and should not let the...
Equipment Five or Six willing Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts ( whatever group you have:) Preparation Very easy skit for boys to learn quickly. Action Boy walks onto stage looking...
Lyrics Young Susie swallowed a ruler, But dying by inches is hard… And so she swallowed a yardstick, And went out and died by the yard. Comments An older man I know often sings this, and...