Equipment A handful of scouts Preparation One short practice is all it takes Action The first scout walks out to the edge of the stage. Pretends it is a tall building/bridge off of...
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Equipment 8 people,(1 nararator, 2 birds, 4 trees, and the camp director) and 8 long sticks, Preparation Have the 4 "trees" form a line and hold long sticks in each hand and hold them up....
Equipment None needed Preparation Have all of Troop but one, line up shoulder to shoulder. SPL should be the one not lined up. Action SPL:(walking back and forth in front of troop)Ok...
Equipment About 5 Boys, no equipment required, but hiking gear would be appropriate. Good for Patrol during Jamboree Campfire. Preparation Practice marching, Make sure the EmCee does NOT...
Equipment A stick A bucket Preparation Round up seven of you friends. Action Pancake maker, a director, a camera man, four actors. The director says we are filming a movie...
Equipment One walking stick Preparation Get two volunteers from the audiance to hold the ends of the walking stick. This becomes the sales table at the candy store. Make a big deal about...