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Looking Professional

"Show me a poorly uniformed troop and I'll show you a poorly uniformed leader." Robert Baden-Powell Talk about hitting the nail on the head! I saw this during 25 years of military service. The...

Brave Looks Different On The Inside

As you can tell from the uniform I wear, there are medals and knots and stars, each of which has a meaning. But tonight I wear a patch which may not seem like one of such meaning, yet it has some of...

Grandfather’s Question

When I was about 9 years old, my grandfather called me to his side and asked me a very important question. The question and my answer have stayed with me all my life. He told me there are absolutely...

Sharing Leadership Experience

"Success in training the boy depends largely on the Scoutmaster's own personal example." Robert Baden-Powell He said it, I didn't. But how it still rings true almost 100 years later. Talk to you...

To New Leaders

"After forming a cadet corps of boys for assisting as noncombatants during a military campaign in 1900: We then made the discovery that boys, when trusted and relied on, were just as capable and...

Developing Personal Responsibility

One of the strong points of emphasis of our program has to do with each of us developing a strong sense of personal responsibility. What do we mean by that? ("When we say we'll do it, it's as good as...