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Hearts Marathon

Have volunteers play a card game for 24 hours! Instructions Have volunteers obtain pledges from sponsors to pay a certain amount per point earned in the games. Then have the volunteers play...

Pie Throwing

Sell pies to throw in the faces of members of your organization! Instructions Sell whipped cream pies, $3 for one pie, $5 for two pies. People can donate and throw a pie at their favorite...


Sell fundraising insurance…against fundraising! Instructions If your organization holds multiple small fundraisers throughout the year, then you can sell a fundraising insurance for $20,...

Curb House Number Painting

Charge people to paint their house numbers on the curb. Instructions Use cardboard stencil cutouts to apply the paint. Paint a black background first, and then paint the house numbers over the...

Cheater’s Spelling Bee

Host a spelling bee for cheaters! Instructions In this spelling bee, you can charge teams to enter and cheat, or allow the teams to enter and then give them certain lifelines, like on popular...

Lazy Boy Day

Sell tickets for a chance to get a lazy boy chair to sit in all day. Instructions Put up a lazy boy chair on display and sell tickets for 25 cents. At the last day, draw a winner, and move the...