Equipment cup, 4 to how many scouts you want, water, announcer Preparation Put half a mouthfull of water in the last person's mouth. The person should not swallow, and should not let the...
Category: Skits
Equipment Five or Six willing Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts ( whatever group you have:) Preparation Very easy skit for boys to learn quickly. Action Boy walks onto stage looking...
Equipment a pillow Preparation practice Action 8 people come on director: ok..we're here to make a movie..called Makin' Beans All.. ok Director: Lights(lights guy holds hands over head...
Equipment A table or other object that can be used as a table, A baseball cap Preparation set up the table with a scout behind it. Another scout puts on the hat and waits off stage (the hat...
Equipment Sleeping Bags, Drum, fork and plate, whistle, curtain for hiding props (makes it more surprising and humorous), small table, cement stage Preparation sleeping bags on ground (the...
Equipment An air horn or other loud object, 4 scouts- one with nothing but the uniform (new scout), a first class with some merit badges, a completley decorated Eagle and one more (doesn't have to...