DAY OLD, DA-AY OLD BREAD, it makes good toast or croutons for soup. DAY OLD, DA-AY OLD BREAD, or make de bread pudding & feed your whole group. Hey, Mr. Bak’ry mon, sell me your DAY OLD BREAD; comp’ny iss comin’ me got to get home (2x) Hot dog buns, bagels & ol’ croissants: toas’ dem up & make de bread crumb; add it to your dressing wid som’ onion & sauteed cel’ry – it taste so good – Yum! DAY OLD, DA-AY OLD BREAD, iss lit’l bit cheaper, but it not free. Day, me say Day, me say Day, me say DA-AY OLD BREAD iss good enuff fo’ ma fam’ly & me.
Jo Ann Dalgard (sung to the tune of DAY-O [THE BANANA BOAT SONG] -popularized by Harry Belafonte)