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Gretchen’s Lye Soap


Chorus: You remember Gretchen’s Lye Soap good for ever thing in the home, but the secret was in the scrubbing, it wouldn’t suds and couldn’t foam.
So let us sing, sing right out for Gretchen’s lye soap, let us sing all over the place.
The pots and kettles, the dirty dishes, and for your hands and for your face.

Main part:

Little Early and cousin Curly had an aversion to washing their ears.
Gretchen scrubbed them with her lye soap and now they haven’t heard a word in years


Main part:

Mrs O’ Tally down in the valley sufferd from olsers I understand.

She swallowed a cake of Gretchen’s lye soap and has the cleanest olsers in the land



Have a guy run on stage itching him self and tell another scout “I’ve got bad poison Ivy” The other scout gives him a bar of soap. Scout looks at soap puzzled. Then washes off after first chorus


Mike Harmer

I created this website back in 1996, and have slowly added content to it over the years. Some resources have been contributed by viewers and other people who love the outdoors.

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