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Monkey Song


A monkey eats bananas (Move hands as if peeling a banana.) Like you and me. (Point to people and then yourself.) He swings on a branch (Put fists on top of one another and move them to the side.) And climbs up a tree (Move hands up to show climbing motion.) He scratches himself (Scratch sides of stomach.) And walks on the floors (Bend over and put hands on floor and walk backwards.) Can you do the monkey dance? Oh yes of course. (Do monkey dance by alternating hands and feet and move around.)


Actions are explained in the lyrics.


Go through the song twice. The first time, do the actions listed in the lyrics. The second time, do the monkey dance throughout the song.

Mike Harmer

I created this website back in 1996, and have slowly added content to it over the years. Some resources have been contributed by viewers and other people who love the outdoors.

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