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How To Catch A Herd Of Elephants

HOW TO CATCH A HERD OF ELEPHANTS (visual aide: pair of binoculars) (Extra: Tweezers, Milk Bottle, Paper sign) I start by telling my scouts an OLD CORNY elephant Joke. How to catch a herd of...

Values 2

Think about this simple phrase from the creator of Mickey Mouse. This guy built an entertainment empire on a cartoon character. His values shine through in all his movies, and those made after his...

Scouting is like a Golf Ball

When golfing was first invented, the ball they used was perfectly round and smooth. However, each time the ball was used, it would get little dents in it from being hit with the iron clubs. The dents...

The Starfish

The Starfish Paraphrased From: The Star Thrower by Loren Eiseley Once upon a time there was a wise man that used to go to the ocean to do his writing. One day he was walking along the...

Learn Some New Tricks

There was a small bear that lived in the woods with his mother. His mother had taught him to find food: grubs in logs, berries on the bushes, salmon in the stream etc.. One day a traveling circus was...