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The Second Story Window (Lyrics)


(Chorus) The window, the window the second story window give me a rhyme and I’ll sing it in time and throw it out, the window….. Verses Mary had a little lamb its fleece was white as snow and every where that Mary went she threw it out the window….. the window the second story window give me a rhyme and I’ll sing it in time and throw it out the window……

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall Humpty Dumpty had a great fall and all the kings horses and all the kings men threw him out, the window… the window the second story window give me a rhyme and I’ll sing it in time and throw it out the window……. Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pale of water Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill threw him out the window.. the window, the second story window give me a rhyme and I’ll sing it in time and throw it out the window…..

Hey diddle, diddle the cat and the fiddle the cow jumped over the moon the little dog laughed to see such fun that he threw them out the window…. the window, the second story window give me a rhyme and I’ll sing it in time and throw it out the window…… Hickory Dickory dock the mouse ran up the clock, the clock struck one, the mouse ran down so we threw it out the window….. the window the second story window give me a rhyme and I’ll sing it in time and throw it out the window Add in any other nursery rhymes the Cubs want……the list is endless


Point with thumb behind you over your shoulder when saying “out the window” Start with the first verse…


This song is very funny and the Cubs love to sing it. You can add in your own nursery rhymes too, the kids love it!!

Mike Harmer

I created this website back in 1996, and have slowly added content to it over the years. Some resources have been contributed by viewers and other people who love the outdoors.

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