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Invisible Bench

Equipment 4 or more scouts/people Preparation One person appearing to sit on something invisible. Action Scout1 is on the invisible bench already SCOUT 2: (walks up to to SCOUT...

Run Forest Run

Equipment None Preparation 5 minutes to go through lines and discuss places for the actors. Action 5 to 6 people pretending to be "trees" or holding branches are in the forest. Three...

The Musical Toilet Seat

Equipment Anything to sit down on, a toilet seat (Can improvise if needed) Preparation Make sure people have the correct names for the artists & styles of music Action Announcer:...

The Worm

Equipment None needed, but hiking boots and backpacks make nice touches. Skit is for a leader and one or more scouts; Only leader and 1 scout have lines. Preparation none ...

Gotta Go Wee

Equipment none Preparation None. Action All scouts lay out on the floor pretending to be sleeping. The last boy says "I gotta go wee!" The scouts pass it down the line to the leader...

The Fortune Teller

Equipment Preparation Action One person is the fortune teller and another is the fortune tellers assistant. Assistant: This is a fortune teller. He/she is a very special fortune teller....